Monday, October 20, 2008

3.1.6 What national/economic trends have affected this industry and how?

Malaysian Economy in 2008

  1. The growth momentum in Malaysia remains strong driven by robust domestic demand and favorable export performance. Construction expanded at a strong pace of 5.9% in the second quarter, following a growth of 5.5% in the first quarter of 2008. For the second quarter of 2008, the Leading Index registered a growth of 6.3% (January-March 2006: 2.9%).
  2. The private sector, which resumed its role as the key engine of growth since 2003, continues to drive domestic economic activities in 2008. Private sector expenditure is anticipated to contribute 4.7 percentage points to Construction growth in 2008. Accordingly, the share of private sector in the economy is expected to increase further to 63.2% in 2008.

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